Lee Daley, Travel Examiner, Editor

John Sundsmo, Travel Examiner
A well traveled Ph.D. scientist, Patent Agent, business entrepreneur and award winning photographer, John Sundsmo has authored and edited scientific publications, patent applications and travel articles. Interests in history, science and culture bring a different focus to his travel writing and photography.
Libor Pospisil, Travel Examiner
Libor is a freelance travel writer, currently residing in the San Francisco Bay Area but originally from the Czech Republic. He is a statistician by training but his interests range from history to art, nature and hiking. His writing therefore weaves together travel experiences with landscapes and the history of a place.
Carol Canter, Travel Examiner
Carol ‘s award-winning travel articles have made the off-beat and exotic accessible to readers for decades, on topics like Jazz Clubs in Tokyo, Barging in Burgundy, A Truffle in Dordogne and Bicycling the Canadian Rockies. She reviewed children’s music for Parenting, delved into Health Care in Cuba for NurseWeek and covered the Hawaiian Islands extensively for both the consumer press and the travel trade during her tenure in paradise.
Stephanie Levin, Travel Examiner

Deborah Grossman, Travel Examiner
Travel, food and drink journalist, Deborah Grossman specializes in coverage of gastronomic food and beverage travel both locally and internationally. As a seasoned wine judge, her expertise has contributed to wine competitions in both Italy and Southwestern France. Also a poet, the multi-talented Deborah was honored as Poet Laureate of Pleasanton, California from 2009 through 2011
Monique Burns, Travel Examiner
As a former Travel & Leisure Senior Editor, Monique brings exceptional insights to her travel stories and reports. She travels frequently to Europe, but can sometimes be found in such far-flung locales as India or Asia.
David A. Laws, Travel Examiner
David photographs and writes about California Gardens, Silicon Valley and Steinbeck Country from his home on the Monterey Peninsula in California.
Wanda Hennig, Travel Examiner
South Africa resident, photojournalist and editor Wanda Hennig has worked on newspapers and magazines in South Africa and the San Francisco Bay Area. She is an award-winning travel and culinary travel writer and the author Cravings: A Zen-inspired memoir about sensual pleasures, freedom from dark places, and living and eating with abandon (Say Yes Press) — which was also travel-inspired.
Ashok Khanna, Travel Examiner
Ashok is an MBA/PhD World Bank Economist who became fascinated by other places and cultures at a young age by reading geography books. When he was seventeen, he got his first chance to travel from his home in India and has not stopped traveling since. His first trip was by ship to East Africa for nine months, stopping in Aden, Genoa, and Gibraltar, allowing him to glimpse other cultures. Easy and convenient student travel arrangements and long breaks from college facilitated explorations in Europe, from Norway in the North to Spain in the South, Greece in the East, and many countries in between. Since 1985, when he joined the World Bank as a staff member and then as a consultant, he has worked in countries in Asia, Africa, East Europe, South America, and the Middle East. In 1998, he began sporadically to write travelogues for friends. These essays increased over time as he traveled more after retiring. His first book ”Ashoka the Visionary: Life, Legend and Legacy” was published by Bloomsbury in January 2020.
Jacqueline Harmon Butler, Travel Examiner

Elaine Koerner, Guest Columnist
Elaine Koerner is a freelance journalist and former resident of London. While living there, she wrote about everything from intelligent pigs in North Sea pipelines to a poke-in-the-drawers look at the London Underground Lost and Found office. She currently is a part-time resident of Ceret, a medieval French village tucked into the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains and frequented by the likes of Picasso and his cohorts in the early 20th century. During her last stay in her “‘l’il slice of heaven,” she noticed some new faces around town, the source of inspiration for her blog article.
Robert W. Bone, Guest Columnist
Travel writer Robert W. Bone lives in Walnut Creek, California, and is the author of “Fire Bone” as well as several respected guidebooks. More of his articles may be seen at www.robertbone.com . Sadely, Bob is no longer with us. After a distinguished career as a writer and travel writer, he has departed on his next great adventure in the ever-after. Safe travels Bob.
Karen Misuraca, Guest Columnist
As a veteran travel journalist, author and founder of Deep Culture Travel (www.deepculturetravel.com) Karen is a history maven and a locaphile. Just like you, she seeks connections to people whose lifestyles and cultures are different than her own. As the activist, Miriam Beard, wrote: “Travel is more than the seeing of sights . . . it is a change . . . deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.”
Judith Horstman, Guest Columnist
Judith Horstman is the award-winning author of seven books whose work has appeared in hundreds of publications worldwide. She lives in Oakland, CA and travels as often and widely as she can.